“A good man is one who is loved for the warmth and caring in his heart. A wise man is one who teaches by the fine examples of his life. A strong man is one who has worked hard and always does his best for the family… A Father’s Day wish to celebrate you, Dad – a man who is good, wise, strong, and the truest kind of success – a man who is loved more than he could possibly know.” -American Greetings Card
Dear Dad, Happy Father’s Day! This Father’s Day, both of your children have now left the nest you’ve made into a home, as well as the woods you found it best to build that home in. Although I am miles away on the other side of the country now, I still often think of home, of mom, and of you, and of what you’ve done for me to and taught me to get me where I am today. The life lessons, essential skills, and sense of hard work and humility, these are the things you’ve instilled in me and things I find use for and try to uphold every day. People always compliment me for my hard work ethic and how kind and helpful I am to everyone: but I don’t think they’ve realized those are the sorts of things a guy will pick up from his father. Although you’re spending most of this Father’s Day on a plane 🙁 please enjoy it as well as the two months without us or mom having to give you trouble, haha. Thank you for everything. Love, your son, Joseph Chen 程周嶽